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Monday 11 June 2012

How to Get Back Old Start Button In Windows 8

In previous version of windows, we used to click on start button more than any other button to approach the very basic applications of windows. Removing the start button from windows 8 task bar totally changed the way of using the windows. If you didn’t like this change and want the old start button back in task bar, then this guide is just for you. Here we are going to discuss a simple and stress-free method to make our own “START” button for windows 8.

All you need to do is to become a little creative and instinctive so that you can generate such characters that can command the start button to work as we desire. You will definitely give it a try when you come to know that there is  no loss of RAM in the whole process.

So to have the fun of creating your own Windows 8 start button just trail the tutorial below:

STEP 1:Download and install  AutoHotkey.

STEP 2: Now right click on on desktop or in any folder and select “AutoHotKey Script” In “New” Section.

STEP 3: After doing that successfully  paste in the code at the end.

( Send, {LWin down}{LWin up} )

STEP 4: Save the script and make sure the format is .ahk

STEP 5: If you see the NotePad Icon of this file, then it won’t work. To make it work like a charm, right click on it, select “open with” and click on”AutoHotKey”.

STEP 6: Now right-click to select the “Compile Script” option in order to produce an executable file.

STEP 7: Choose “Create Shortcut” option by right click on the newly created executable file.

STEP 8: Now right click on the option and go to properties and then hit the “Change icon” option to choose the icon of start button.

STEP 9: There will be just couple of icons, but to get a large collection of icons, click on “Browse” and open this file.


STEP 10: Now choose your favorite icon, click on “OK”, then on “Apply” and close the window. We are choosing the windows icon here.

STEP 11: Simple right click on the shortcut and select “Pin to Taskbar” option on the context menu.

STEP 12: Here you go… Just press the button and you will see the Metro Start screen will come up.

Finally you will be amazed to notice that Zero memory is used in the process. Indeed, if you want, you are fit enough to uninstall AutoHotkey .


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